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  • Quantum Energy
    Scottsdale Photonic Laboratory
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Quantum Energy is the worldwide exclusive licensee, and manufacturer of transformative photonic, magnetic propulsion, capacitor and battery energy systems for the direct generation and distribution of electrical energy produced and used by the consumer. Direct Energy SystemsTM for industrial, institutional, commercial, governmental, remote and residential installations.

Quantum’s unique and patent pending technologies combine the very best uses of photonic, magnetic and rare earth processing and manufacturing, turning the future from solar power to the new frontier of Photon Power. TM



Quantum Energy is the worldwide exclusive licensee, for Photon Lighting Systems, and the system's related components. Photon lighting is a unique technology which allows any light fixture to generate power while the light sources energized. This includes LED, incandescent, florescent, sodium vapor, and other common light sources used in industrial, commercial, and residential applications.

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Quantum Energy is the Exclusive provider of magnetic propulsion engines worldwide. Magnetic Propulsion was originally conceived and developed by noted research engineer Dennis M Danzik in 2009. Magnetic Propulsion Units (or "MPU") can be spun up using very little power to a speed that provides enough force to produce electrical energy.

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Quantum Energy products and services our changing the way that electrical energy is delivered. An entire energy system, from Photon Lighting, to Engines to control and battery systems; photon energy systems are designed to be owned, and operated by the consumer for use in industrial, institutional, commercial, residential, as well as rural and off grid applications.

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Quantum Energy’s Willwood magnetics facility spans over 160 acres, and features a 12,000 sq ft HAZMAT Class 9 magnetics processing laboratory for the reprocessing and classification of both ferrite and rare earth magnetic materials.

Quantum Energy’s new 52 acre Byron, Wyoming Campus and facilities will begin construction in early Summer of 2025 and will feature a 34,000 square foot magnet production facility.

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Quantum’s SAFETM Iron-Air battery technology uses no lithium, and is 100% recyclable and rebuildable. The Quantum SAFETM Battery System is safer than lithium and less than half the cost of lithium. Quantum Energy Systems are also quality matched with charge controllers, inverters, and software monitoring that offers a seamless, reliable storage system.
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About Quantum

Quantum Energy is the worldwide exclusive licensee, and manufacturer of transformative photonic, magnetic propulsion, capacitor and battery energy systems for the direct generation and distribution of electrical energy produced and used by the consumer. Direct Energy SystemsTM for industrial, institutional, commercial, governmental, remote and residential installations.

(877) 355-1277